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A Leap of Faith

The Men and Women Who Served Post 9/11

A Leap of Faith is a collection of brotherhood and sisterhood of military Veterans post-9/11, each with their own story to share and suffering from PTSD to IED injuries. Each Soldier faced varying hurdles on their journey leading up to the military and transitioning back to civilian life. The women Veterans revealed a special vulnerability undergoing the drastic change and uncomfortable truths about double standards regarding gender in the military. It is our desire that these stories will deepen the understanding of how poorly the military prepares its Soldiers for the high-stakes shift from deployment back to civilian life.

As I interviewed the men and women who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, they all came back with the same message. And that was after America was attacked on 9/11, they wanted to do something to help and enlisted in the military. It was in that moment that I realized they each took a leap of faith, not knowing what was ahead of them. But they knew what they were leaving behind and were intent on protecting it; hence, the book title emerged as A Leap of Faith: The Men and Women Who Served Post 9/11. Their faith also emerged as strength and resonates through their incredible stories. Each Veteran story is preceded by their favorite Psalm.

“A LEAP OF FAITH is all about love, as well as the faith and courage of those who have survived deployment and in some cases, the battle after the battle upon returning home. I have no doubt that “A Leap of Faith” will be a rich source of encouragement for all of us, but I pray that Jenny Lasala’s pages will inspire a resolve to seize every opportunity possible to build relationships with our returning heroes and help them find sure footing on their new path as we reflect back to them how invaluable they are to us today.” – Chaplain Ann M. Wolf